Do you have additional questions about the reactive adherence counseling touchpoint? Post it here to start a discussion or join us at the DUC Debrief next week - Tuesday, April 20 from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. ET. Zoom details on the Wiki page and below.
The DUC Debrief is an informal one-hour session to allow for an open discussion within the DUC following the presentations on Reactive Adherence Counseling. Thank you to the presenters @nputt@limbani and LVCT Health for sharing their work in Haiti, Kenya and Malawi with the community!
DUC Debrief Zoom Connection Details
Tuesday, April 20 from 9 - 10 AM Eastern Time
For this DUC Debrief on Reactive Adherence Counseling we have developed a list of questions to help in getting the conversation started.
Please see below and feel free to respond with some answers to this post:
How does your tool/intervention support reactive adherence counseling?
What were the technology requirements/technologies used?
What are critical implementation considerations that made your tool/intervention successful?
What data elements are needed for the tool/intervention?
What challenges did you face during implementation? How did you overcome them?
Were there any contextual considerations that you had to adapt for?
What resources were needed?
If the intervention has been implemented as scale (by your own definition), what made that possible? Or what would you need to reach scale with your current intervention?
How were security concerns addressed?
What has been the effectiveness/impact of the intervention?
Is the data shared or the tool interoperable with other systems?