Health Information Exchange and Interoperability Panel:Business, Organization and Leadership Aspects of Health Information Exchange - Updates from the US, Demonstration of Health Information Exchange to Support COVID-19 Activities

Shiriki (Swahili for “sharing”) is a virtual community for people who work in public health informatics at CDC and in the world in PEPFAR-supported countries. It hosts webinars of interest to the informatics community, and provides a platform for collaboration and sharing experiences.

In this first of three webinars, panelists will provide overview of organizational and leadership aspects of US-based, large-scale health information exchange activities and demonstrate the benefits of HIE for COVID response. Organizations presenting include GRAChIE (Georgia Regional Academic Community Health Information Exchange), Indiana HIE, Nebraska HIE and SHIEC (Strategic Health Information Exchange Collaborative)

Panel Date: Sept 8, 2020, 8:00 – 9:30 AM EDT

Zoom link:

Panel members will:

  1. Describe HIE geographical coverage, partnerships, business model/funding, organizational/governance structure, high-level technical architecture and key performance metrics

  2. Describe large-scale governance and leadership, infrastructure and workforce challenges and opportunities of health information exchange

  3. Describe example impact areas where health information exchange made a difference in improving health care services, operational effectiveness and health outcomes

  4. Describe nature and extent of federal government leadership on national HIE implementation and ongoing challenges

  5. Given current trends and potential disruptive developments, describe a vision of where HIE implementation will be in 5 years for each organization

  6. Provide a live demonstration of health information exchange across states to support COVID-19 surveillance and response activities