Hello all! I am part of a team at the University of Washington (UW), including I-TECH and the Global Health E-learning Program, working on developing online resources on HIS and secondary data use. We are doing this work in collaboration with Digital Square. We would like to invite you to participate in a brief needs assessment related to HIS and data use. This project aims to support capacity in PEPFAR-supported countries by providing high-quality virtual trainings on secondary data use.
We are reaching out to the Data Use Community to invite you to participate in a needs assessment to inform learning offerings on secondary data use. The assessment will help identify topics, information, and skills that personnel and organizations working in global digital health consider to be of high priority to advance the accessibility, quality and use of data from health information systems in order to improve health programs. The needs assessment will inform a Road Map for reaching key target audiences with virtual learning resources on secondary data use.
You are invited to take a brief survey: https://forms.gle/GUVGeyvEQQqA…
The survey should take 10-15 minutes to complete. As part of the survey, you will be able to signal your interest and availability to participate in a 20-minute key informant interview with our team to share more in-depth perspectives. Please feel free to share the survey link with interested colleagues.