Patient Identity Management Toolkit - Looking for Feedback/Input

Here is a V0.2 of the Patient Identity Management Toolkit. It is still a work in progress but please add comments, questions, requests and additional input to this thread.

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I could see quickly the documentation and in my experience there two relevance a very important topics that which should be clear and detailed:

  • Governance
  • Security and Privacy

Can’t be security and privacy without governance, this because each country managment the poblation information the particular way based in your national normtative. So, any topic about Patient Identity is weak if these components aren’t resolved with priority.

I’m sure in latinamerica a toolkit to Patient Identity without clear guideline about this two components (using standards), hardly will be adopted. So, IMHO the modules of this toolkit should show up as follows:

  • Governance
  • Privacy & Security
  • People
  • Process
  • Sustainability/Resources
  • Matching
  • Biometrics
  • Tooling

For my, this can show the modules from a strategically layout to the possibly technical layout with implementation and some tools. I think they are doing an excellent job.